Old 01-18-2012, 05:51 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 4
Default new to this, loving it, but hating my machine - recommend one?

Hi everyone

I have been reading about quilting for ages and finally pieced together my first placemat today! I love it! I really enjoy sewing (I make clothes for my daughters dolls) and have finally found a hobby which I want to stick at - just couldn't get into scrapbooking....

However, I'm finding 1/4 inch foot on my machine a complete nightmare. Its a really basic Janome 659 and it keeps pulling the fabric off to the side as the feeddogs aren't gripping enough of the fabric to carry it though straight. I would also love to try free motion quilting once I've practised the more basic methods and really doubt my machine is up to it.

I'm sure its a question that is always asked, but can anyone recommend a machine that would give me decent piecing abilities (I have read several other posts with other people having the same issue with Janome machines) and that could maybe FMQ but at the cheaper end of the scale?

I don't have a huge budget, if one at all really (gotta think of a way to get the hubby round to it yet!). Any ideas?


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