Thread: Do you think?
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Old 01-21-2012, 09:44 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Default Do you think?

We so often ask if someone (a relative, a friend, a stranger) will like a ___________________ (fill in with whatever interests you - a bow tuck bag, a quilt, etc., this color, this pattern, etc.)
Then we answer "Oh, the person will LOVE that!" When none of us knows that person, knows what they like or what kind of person they are. How can we assume a person is going to like a pink and green and puce bag or a purple and brown quilt? OR that a new mother wants a pink quilt for a new baby girl, or doesn't want a blue quilt for new baby boy? Why do we assume that if a fellow quilter made it for someone, that someone will love it? I don't think life always supports that assumption.

Why do we have so little faith in ourselves that we ask strangers to make a judgment call on what others strangers (to them) are going to like? Why don't we just say "I've made this as a gift and I hope the person likes it. Do any of you like it? Will any of you admit you don't like it?" Maybe then our answers wouldn't sound like a mutual admiration society meeting of possible dim wits.
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