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Old 01-22-2012, 09:27 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Woodmere, NY
Posts: 1,422

It's my pleasure to look after my mom.. She is an 84 yo.. She still drives, goes to the gym three times a week, and is pretty sharp.. She fell while getting on the treadmill, and needed 60 sutures in her shin.. It's been a month, and it's taking a long time to heal.. but that hasn't stopped her.. I'm picking her up to take her to a show at the library.. The library is across from her house, and since it snowed, and it's icy, I'd perfer to walk her, and not have her break a hip.. While she is there, I'm going to update her virus software on the computer, and take a nap..
I guess I shouldn't mention that I drop my dog at her house to keep her company while at work..
I am lucky, and loving whatever time I have left with her..
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