Thread: Scary Situation
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Old 01-29-2012, 01:08 PM
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OMG MacThayer, that is really frightening!!! I have a FB page and I enjoy seeing people that I haven't seen since high school, my friends, etc. EWE, that really creeps me out by what happened to you. I did have someone get into a frends FB page and then tagged a bunch of people he knew with 2 girls in a bed! It was posted on my site and I about died. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Also people can just copy and paste peoples pictures too from any website if you have your face on there. I see some people on FB posting that they're away on vacation, etc. Big fat no no. Anyway, I'm so sorry you had to experience such a frightening thing. Me like a ding dong have sold a few things on Craigslist to make some $ and now I regret selling to a couple of people as they seemed very strange. errr They came to my home too! ughhhh Anyway, I feel so bad for you having to go through such a frightening ordeal. Gives me the creepie jeebies.
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