Thread: Worst gift??
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Old 08-20-2009, 06:39 PM
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Originally Posted by butterflywing
Originally Posted by kwhite
I see both points, but I have to say the argument is kinda silly. A quilt is a wonderful gift no matter. All gifts from In laws have strings, seen or not they are there. Want to talk about a bad gift? the first gift I got from the Inlaws after my wedding was a cemetary plot. I would love to have gotten a quilt even if it had a ton of strings. My MIL is gone now but I still have gifts that have strings.
then they're not gifts, are they? look up 'gift' in the dictionary. it doesn't say "something you give away so the recipient will feel like she/he has to feel guilty about receiving it, or feel like he/she has to do something in exchange". that's a bunch of hooey, as my gift-giving fil would say.
the cemetary thing is a hoot. hint, hint.
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