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Old 02-01-2012, 12:24 PM
NJ Quilter
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Originally Posted by pburkefox View Post
The Quilts for Kids mission statement has not changed. Yes, every child should have a quilt, but there is a finite number of quilts available, so our thought is that the children in the greatest need are at the front of the line. Having said that, we have no control over the manner in which the quilts are distributed once they leave QFK and arrive at a hospital, even though our policy is well known. In 2011 our wonderful volunteers enabled us to donate almost 13,000 quilts nationwide, and our 85 chapters across the country donated over 10,000. We are a small grass-roots organization and rely on donations and volunteers to comfort as many children as we can. With about a million children hospitalized in this country, obviously we can't reach every one. Please visit our website to learn more, check out our Facebook page, and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Pam Fox
I'm going to go out on a limb here. As stated above, QFK can not control what a hospital does once they receive the donation quilts. QFK's mission has not changed. In the instance that originally started this discussion, we have no way of knowing all the circumstances surrounding why this child was given a quilt. If, in fact, that partiacular hospital has enough quilts to go around for all the children there, then hooray for them - it's a beautiful thing. If you, as a quilter, would prefer your charity work to be handled differently that what was done in the original situation if that was not your understanding, then perhaps doing some digging into your charity of choice practices is needed.

Personally, I do work for QFK. Not as much as I originally intended, but what I can. If I am not mistaken the founder started this organization because her child had been hospitalized with a serious illness and received a quilt for comfort. The founder was so touched by someone else's thoughfulness and generosity that she wanted to pay that effort forward. And has done an amazing job, I think. I will continue to support this organization. It makes me feel good to do something for someone else and I get to do something I love to do in the process.
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