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Old 02-02-2012, 05:47 AM
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Originally Posted by carreen View Post
I'm just thinking, the doctors child or the lawyers child would probably appreciate a quilt just as much as the child of the person who has been on welfare all of their lives and is abusing the system to get whatever they can for free from whoever they can con. Just as much as it isn't the childs fault what situation they are born into, neither is the child more fortunate responsible for being born into whatever their situation is. I think it's time we stop punishing the person that works hard and lasvishing the child that lives on welfare because of his parents choice. It reminds me of when the company I worked for picked a needy family for Christmas and the family got so much, it even included a washer and dryer. What does that kid tell the neighborhood friends that got one or two gifts because his parents work at low paying jobs to make ends meet and here are the neighbors that never work and they got nintendos and whatever else they could scam from the hard working people. Now, after writing this I debate, should I delete and just forget it? I'm sorry if I offend anyone but please think about the kids. They are all just kids no matter what their parents have.
Boy that family must have really been in need. I was on welfare once when I was in need. I did not however abuse the system.
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