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Old 02-12-2012, 03:00 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Originally Posted by Treasureit View Post
I worked in an antique store some years ago and when we suspected someone might be stealing we would hover with them to make them uncomfortable and leave. I can't imagine a fabric store having this concern since it would be hard to stick a bolt of fabric in your purse! Maybe you could tell her my story and and then say - you don't think I am stealing do you? ha ha ha....
You would be surprised what people will steal in a Quilt Store. I had my own shop for five years and at first because I was naive, shoplifting was terrible. People will take your display magazines if they think they can get away with it. At first I had my notions dispersed among the fabric, so they could actually see a specific ruler with a specific fabric line with a specific sample quilt. After I realized I was loosing inventory, I started following people around, under the pretense of helping them...wrong. I closed the shop for 2 days to re-organize and re-decorate, with a note on the door stating why. When I re-opened, all the notions were behind the counter or in plain site with the thread. Mirrors were installed so I could atleast pretend I could see what was going on when I was busy, baby monitors were strategically placed so I could hear what was going on if I had to go to the back room for something and a motion sensor doorchime(a very obnoxious one) was placed at the end of the counter by the door. It didn't cost much to do these things but, boy, what a difference. I didn't have to hover over customers unless they wanted me too and they didn't have to hide between the rows of fabric. So, yes, sometimes we hover too much, but, we have our reasons.
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