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Old 02-27-2012, 10:06 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Oklahoma City, OK
Posts: 354

Originally Posted by GrannieAnnie View Post
Apparently you have not read HER rules about using HER PATTERNS!
Yep, I even emailed her about using elements of some of her patterns in a quilt to sell and she told me no, they are hers and not to be made for any profit. Ever. But wouldn't that be my own design if I take a part of this block, add a piece of that one and mix in different colors?? As the finished block wouldn't have been hers or even on her site. Still the same, she is very particular about how you use any of her stuff. That's why I no longer go there or to a few other sites, I work out my own "blocks" using this or that from other blocks in the numerous books I have. I even spent 3 days designing my own, one-of-a-kind block and then ran across it on the 'net. Can you imagine my sheer frustration and then disappointment as I realized everything has been done before and someone, somewhere claims it as theirs. How are we s'posed to be creative if we can't use anything out there someone else lays claim to? This is why I no longer care, I just make what I want, when I want and how I want and do with it whatever I feel. Who can prove that I copied theirs any more than I can prove I came up with it all on my own? It's too confusing and really puts a damper on quilting at all, imho. But I usually am in error so that's just the way it is.
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