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Old 03-05-2012, 12:06 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Grants Pass, OR
Posts: 2,071

Retirement of a spouse can be fun or NOT! For my DH and I it was a period of adjustment. All of a sudden there were so many things that I had been doing as long as we had been married that he could do so much better. I said go for it and he did and he was right! I still keep track of the finances but he pays all the bills online. I still cook but he periodically will cook too. He helps clean and "tinkers" with the cars. The best part of his retirement is that he looks so much better. For a long time, his stress levels were astronomical because his lab was undergoing renovation and upgrading and he was in charge. After that was finished, he announced that the lab would function on its own with all the updating and he was leaving. I did not believe it, but when 65 rolled around...he did! The blue pockets under his eyes are gone. His color is rosy and not pasty. His energy levels are high and he is much more agreeable to have around. The guy I married 31 years ago is back. Another joy is that he was offered his job (on a part time basis with full pay) and he said no that he was happy at home "tinkering." Enjoy your DH's retirement and try to remember that now you are retired too. Have fun!
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