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Old 03-26-2012, 08:07 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Unhappy using the archives and ads

It took me a while but I've noticed that when you want to leave part of the archives (like 'chit-chat') to go back the main list you have to clike multiple times. Why? ----because that block on the right of the topic list is changing with each click to a new advertisement. Has anyone noticed this?

Seems like the advertisers caught on to us recording everything and ignoring ads on the internet(me anyway) and they are forcing us to see the ads.
On TV if you're like me and record most things you'll find they throw in snippetts of the show during the commercials so when you fast forward you'll stop when you see the snippett and think you're back to the show.

Oh well, I guess we have to put up with all this so we still get internet content and TV shows for free. I wouldn't say my cable bill is exactly Free though.

Thanks for letting me vent.
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