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Old 03-26-2012, 03:16 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Littlefield, TX, USA
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I don't (at least I haven't yet) enter quilts in shows, but think that it's the execution and quality of the execution...from the color choices to the stitching, to the completed quilt that should be judged. I use patterns sometimes (usually change them up...find easier ways to do them), but mostly I do traditional quilts (Irish Chain, Carpenter's star, Lonestar, etc.)...For these, wouldn't they be judged on what fabrics I chose, how my stitching is, do my seams match up?, etc... then the quilting ... Did I choose a complementary design to quilt? Did I do the quilting? Binding...I think that plays a part...Do I want credit if I bind a quilt for someone? Not really... Do I want credit if I am the quilter? That would be nice, but not really necessary...unless it's a whole-cloth quilt...then the quilter should get credit. I put on hanging sleeves, and I don't expect credit for those. I guess it's in the hands of the group who make up their quilt show rules.

A judge, if they know who made a quilt...and that person is a pro...I'm betting the judge is being extra picky on that quilt, and they should be.

If you want "Best in Show"...spend 2-3 years on your quilts, as these pros do. We spend three months & feel it's a long time. It's very exacting work, doing a quilt when others expect so much from the work of the "pros"....they were once beginners too.
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