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Old 03-30-2012, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by AshleyR
I'm afraid I don't find the machines from my childhood attractive at all. I won't offend anyone by saying when that was, but the machines (and cars and clothes and heck, music even!) prior to that era were waaaay cooler looking. My husband collects razors and was so excited when he found one that was born the same month he was! And I had an Elna the same age as me (couldn't pin it down exactly) and as good as it was, it didn't thrill me when I looked at it! I guess I don't get nostalgia (yet), because I just don't have that "emotionally attached to things" gene! I look for the best product for my needs and ohh and ahh over the pretties, but don't desire to own them much.
Different strokes for different folks! Gotta love that!! (Besides, if everyone wanted these old machines, there wouldn't be as many for ME!! )
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