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Old 04-04-2012, 02:47 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2007
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Update: Mom has been with us for 3 full months plus a few days. So far, so good. She is regaining her strength and her memory has improved, but she still forgets a lot of stuff. She has a calendar that she writes everything down on to keep dates and appointments straight, so that helps her. She can drive short distances, as she has no problem remembering where she is or where she is going, and she doesn't have difficulty with driving itself. So we do let her go do short errands by herself. She putters around our house doing little housecleaning chores...even though I tell her not to! She's incorrigible!! LOL She and my DH are still having fun being around each other...they are both sometimes it's a hoot listening to them go at each other!! We all like baseball, so that's a common interest TV fest....and she has her own TV in her room so she can watch Fox News endlessly like she likes to do. She's also a pretty good cook, and she likes to do it and often has dinner ready when I get home from work.

One thing this move has definately done is ease my mind about her, and her anxiety episodes have literally disappeared. She had never in her life lived alone before my dad passed 4 years ago, and I think just the thought of being alone was causing a lot of her anxiety resulting in her heart and blood pressure issues. So, anyway, with us around all the time (me in the evenings and at night and DH during the day, as he works nights), she always has someone there or very close by.

Like I said, so far so good.
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