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Old 04-12-2012, 06:56 AM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: I live on the North Shore of Long Island
Posts: 46

This is great, I too loved sewing on my kitchen table. For years there was no other option. We ate many dinners with my sewing machine sitting at the head of the table. But then when the project was over the machine put away, it would stay put away for a long while. Now I do have a designated sewing room. I like having everything at my finger tips and a work table and sewing machine set up right behind me. But guess what. I want to buy a portable table like SewEzi for downstairs in the hub of things or on the porch or where ever I fell like sewing too. I like to cook and sew. Watch TV talk to my husband.....sometimes. :>)
I am a professional artist and I always worked in different parts of my house. It was getting to be a whole house studio. Recently I had the opprotunity to rent an art studio at a reasonable rate. It is a 10 minute drive from my house. All the big equipment went to the studio, the printing press, big easel, large canvases, but I dont go there as often as I thought I would. When I am there I can concentrate really well as there are no distractions, little mess to clean up, etc. I still like working at home and end up doing that quite a lot. Ideal for me, would be, to build an art studio right outside my back door. Keep my sewing room (which is a bedroom) Have a portable sewing table to do things like piecing and long seams that quickly become boring to me in the hub of the house and also to bring to my art studio when working on a project that requires sewing. A combination of both!
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