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Old 04-14-2012, 01:55 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,108

The very easy way to see which threads were created most recently is to use the Archive link at the bottom of every page. In addition to the Archive:

1. Threads are listed in the "regular" indexes exactly the same way they were in the old format. They are in reverse order starting with those with the newest comments.
2. New comments to existing threads have as much value as new threads that don't yet have additional comments. Somebody took the time to read those threads and to add their thoughts. To dismiss them as irrelevant or to assume they will be of no interest is .... well .... it's just not very friendly, respectful or supportive of your fellow members.

I agree that it is very convenient to have a way to first check those threads that we haven't yet seen at all. Unfortunately the "Unread Threads" function and the "View First Unread [Comment]" do not work well when both are activated at the same time. Until the techs can figure out how to force them to function together correctly we will stick with the more important "View First Unread."
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