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Old 04-28-2012, 02:05 PM
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I use muslin that I border with one of the fabrics in the quilt. I use a permanent pen--one made for fabric--to handwrite all the information I want known on the quilt. That includes where the pattern orginated, for whom the quilt was made, the date it was completed, the name of the long arm quilter, the city and state where the quilt was made and anything else that makes the quilt special.

Machine made labels are wonderful, but I think quilt labels are a little like recipes--I love reading the recipes written in my mother's hand writing and I like to think people years from now would like to see the handwriting of the person who made the quilt.

Just remember, there is no way to put too much information on a quilt label. Think about what you would want to know about that quilt if you got it 100 years from now and put everything on that label you would want to know. froggyintexas

Originally Posted by Patticake
I’ve been quilting for many years and have always made my quilt labels from whatever I have that matches the quilt. Recently I’ve seen some really nice quilt labels that are premade or look professionally made. Would all of you wonderful quilters be willing to share with me:
• What your current method of labeling is,
• If you make your own label or have them made,
• What all you include in your quilt label, and
• If you are willing, some pictures of your quilt labels?
I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you in advance for sharing.
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