Old 09-11-2009, 01:20 PM
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As far as how to handle floods of certain topics or those getting out of hand, no idea. It will happen.
Yep. Let's say we allow everything back into GCC.
Tomorrow, 10 people will post about their personal problems. OK, that's fine.

But the more people read it the more would like to share some of their problems too. That's only natural. So it would consume the whole section pretty quickly.

We would have to put a stop to it at some point.

What do we do? Lock topics? Delete topics? Send PMs saying "sorry that we have to delete your post, but there is already too much negative stuff on the board at the moment. please try again later"?

I can't imagine too many people would be happy about that.

And if we don't do anything, then plenty of other people would be unhappy with the board. There are many people who come here to get away from stress in their lives and to take a break. And seeing plenty of negative content is not something that would help them.

Completely prohibiting it won't work either. I understand that people make friends here and they become closer. So they want to share personal stuff with each other.

That's what the PDA was meant for. But it's not being used that way.

So we are back to trying to figure out how to make GCC work without the complexity of additional rules.

I don't have the patience or time to wade through everyone's diary, even though there are those with whom I would like to keep in touch.
That's because there is way too much non-PDA content in PDA.

It was meant as a way to announce what's happening in your life. Unfortunately, people don't seem to want to use it this way.

Let's say I try to enforce the "spirit" of the rules of PDA. What do I do? Delete someones posts with pictures of their house and ask them to repost in GCC? Or do the same thing with pictures of their quilts?

I doubt they would like that very much.
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