Old 09-12-2009, 12:41 AM
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Wow! I had no idea there were problems, I thought we'd got through that and found a solution that kept everyone happy. :shock:

Although I no longer have a PDA of my own, i do 'watch' those of others I consider my closer friends and get involved in the kidding around AND support of those in need where I feel kinship. I avoid those of ppl I don't consider 'like minded' in those more personal areas although of course I interact with evryone on the main, quilty sections of the board. GCC IMHO has now become a place for sharing funny links (thanks BW! :mrgreen: ) and for discussing non quilty things such as apple trees and jury service. As it should be. And it doesn't clog up Recent Topics anymore so all those who had a problem with focus shifting away from the main subject matter of the board should be satisfied with that.

Am I mistaken or is the biggest issue now complaints that some members are chosing to share their work in PDA and not doing the more public 'show and tell' in Pictures? How can you ban ppl from doing this? While we're chatting there, it's inevitable that between the jokes, we WILL discuss quilting from time to time and a picture paints a thousand words. I think most ppl (like Ninnie) go post the work in Pictures as soon as they feel there's something to share with the community at large. I'm sorry, I just don't see a problem with that.

When PDA was introduced, I felt that certain sections of the board were being marginalised - the 'naughty' ones and those who feel the need to demand prayer requests. I didn't like that. But as it turns out, for me, it works fine. My friends don't seem to mind me squatting in their PDAs and I don't visit the ones I feel won't hold any interest for me.

If PDA and GCC is scrapped as some have suggested, the board would become a very dry impersonal place. And that would be a shame. If you ONLY want to discuss quilting here and nothing else, you have that option. If you want to be part of the cyber community and engage with ppl on a more personal level, you have that option too.

Sorry to be so long winded. :D
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