Old 09-12-2009, 01:26 AM
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As to the confusion Admin asked about what is allowed to be posted and people who are afraid of posting after the changes...all I can say is this...if you are unsure, send a PM to a moderator or admin and ask is this appropriate for "which ever section" it is so simple and easy! If you do make a mistake and you thread gets moved, it is no big deal!! They found your innocent mistake and moved it to the proper place, for you. If my post was gone when I went to check it, I would think, well it had a picture in it, I wonder if it got moved to Pictures...and go check there. Ooops, there it is!! But there would be no hard feelings on my part, we all can make a mistake. If it gets locked because it belongs in the PDA, I have a choice, let it go or start a PDA, or add it there to my existing PDA. We need to act like adults. Admin is NOT going to ban us for mis-posting a thread, nor will he throw banannas at us, or send one of his hairy friends to our door :wink: :lol: :lol:
After the last big discussion we were nicely but firmly, given choices, post according to the guidlines for each section, or don't post at all. I am beginning to wonder just how many are really honestly and sincerely afraid to mis-post and don't, or how many are using this as an excuse to rebel to try to get things back to how they were, as well as because they like to stir up trouble. I received a number of PM's and emails that were sincere in their being afraid to mis-post, bless their hearts, they needed some reassuring and that is okay. However, I received even more from members who were just trying to stir up trouble and using this as an excuse to do it!!! AND trying to make the members who are afraid, to feel even more afraid and uncomfortable, using them as a pawn in their bad behavior game. Is it time to start weeding out some of these trouble making/pot stirring/conflict loving individuals??? Maybe it is a good thing that I am not Admin...because I think I would! When a few members can cause so much upset on this board, maybe it is time for them to go... I love this board, the members, Admin and the moderators...but I do not like, want or need, individuals who thrive on conflict, and that are not happy till they get everyone around them all upset. I have kept this pretty much to myself for a while, dealing with some of these people quietly and privately. But I have about had my fill of them and their antics and how it affect everyone else on this board!!!
I don't get angry easily, but seeing other people being used and upset really gets my dander up!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
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