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Old 05-15-2012, 07:45 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Garland, Texas
Posts: 1,388

Yes, I have a Brother LS 2125i I bought at Wal-Mart four years ago. I have one pair of material scissor which I hide from the family. And I use clothes that I used to be able to wear and ones that my daughter out grew for some of my material. I go to the local thrift store and look for sheets, pillow shams and various other large material items looking for the best bargains. I am terribly addicted to my local Hancock's Fabric and troll the sales tables, desperate for as much material as I can get for $20. I am currently a college student so there is no extra money but if there is and I get my hands on it, baby it goes for fabric. I gather all the great free quilt patterns and keep them on a 4 GB flash drive. Yes, I am very frugal at the moment.
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