Old 09-15-2009, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Admin
(clip)But after taking a closer look, I realized that (for the lack of a better way to say it) the more "think skinned" members were overrunning the board and driving away others, without even knowing they were doing it.
Could you please give an example or explain about the kind of members that were "driving others away"? Seems to me that you have a pretty great board here with lots of involvement. People have and will choose to leave for various reasons.

I've been all about trying to do my best to keep things rolling on my end the way you want them because I love this board. Went to PDA when you wanted it. Started posting pictures in the section where you wanted me to. Tried to watch what I talk about in the Main, Pictures and GCC sections. And now we're back to some people not liking what is posted and the number of responses a thread will get. And we've spend how many pages on this subject????? We can have PAGES of jokes and really odd topics in the GCC section because they're general interest, right? People will respond to what is of interest to them....period. The celebrity death? It was of great interest to a lot of people. The responses showed that. If you're not interested in it, just pass over it. Contrary to what you may believe, most of us are emotionally mature enough to be able to do just that. This has gone beyond ridiculous. We're all getting a pretty good idea of what we're "doing wrong" from you, and evidentally our "doing right's" just don't add up to much.

Admin, you are the Kahuna here, Big Guy. Change this board to exactly what you want and stick to the guidelines. Yes, you will probably lose members doing that, but I can tell you that you are probably losing valuable members now because of this debate.

I would hate to be in your position....really. I think all in all you've done a terrific job. I'm just confused as to exactly what you are wanting to see happen.
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