Old 09-15-2009, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Admin

The GCC was supposed to be like a big cocktail party/reception where all the different people could seek out the like-minded individuals and then have their own parties in the PDA. I guess this is the best analogy I can come up with. You go out and meet new people, and then you invite them for bbq in your backyard.

Obviously the attitude, the language and the topics of discussions would be different in those environments. That's why we had different guidelines for GCC and PDA.

But it's not working out this way for various reasons, some of which have been stated here.
i agree that people should have place to seek out and stay in touch with special friends. i just think it's a shame that "sally" thinks that by doing that, she can't also relate to the larger membership. it's as though she thinks she's a traitor to the cause if she wanders over to the other posts. as it stands now, if i want to speak to a pda member, i almost always have to pm her, because i don't want to slog through everyone else's personal stuff which also fills "sally's" pda.

because of this, although i feel pda should stay, i also think pda-ers should more open to sharing their quilt-related news.

maybe, instead of making rules and shutting down, what we need is more open dialogue every few months. say, 3 times a year.

ADDITION: this has been suggested many times over these discussions because a great deal of conflict is over the content of jokes: perhaps jokes should be prefaced with the word JOKE: not necessarily in bold red, but that's okay, too. as i said this has been repeatedly brought up as a solution by both sides of the fence. if you want to read them, go right ahead. i can't help feeling that the people who object loudest just don't want jokes, period! religion is, i think, different, because there are so many different ones and some are in conflict with others. mine might be insulting to you. i won't go near that. also, politics. too many and too easy to hurt. uh uh! but jokes? label them and be done. no dirty language, no dirty pics. no problem. you see and hear worse on tv before 8 at night. your kids hear worse words at school.
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