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Old 06-15-2012, 08:58 AM
Jim's Gem
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Camarillo, California
Posts: 35,242

My oldest daughter is using cloth diapers for my grand daughter. I think the third daughter will as well when the time comes. Daughter #2 do not have a washer and dryer. Though they just moved last week and will get them in the next couple weeks. She may switch since she has my #3 grandbaby in the oven! She does work outside the home but only part time and so far her DH watches Isaac 2 days a week and she switches with a girlfriend for another day, so have not had to put him in a day care center

My newest Grandson, Caleb Austin, was born May 29th. I am now Grandma to 4 precious babies. I am so blessed!!!!
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