Thread: Scary Situation
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Old 06-30-2012, 11:15 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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I don't know why any man would try to pick up a woman on Ebay! I met my husband online (on craigslist) and we have several blogs and etsy and ebay and he tweets and I'm a Facebook addict. I hate to be Captain Obvious, but just because someone emails you doesn't mean they know where you live and/or plan to harm you in any way.
Chances are, if someone wanted to do you harm, it is someone you know. Or a neighbor. Our car got stolen out of the driveway, but I don't think it was someone who saw a picture of it on Facebook and just *had* to have it! It was just somebody who stole our car, and spray painted our neighbors brick wall, and broke into the school and stole all the TV's and computers. Do I know it was the same group of people? No. But I promise you that they weren't stalking anybody. They saw a car on a hill and push started it. They might have had a problem with the people who live in the house they spray painted.... or it might have been random. The criminal masterminds that they are... they broke into the school on a weekend.

But I'm friends on facebook with my neighbor, and she does post when they are going on vacation and where they eat and when they're headed back. I wonder if they notice that's the only time our yard gets mowed (with their mower, of course?)

I'm kidding, btw!

But it is pretty obvious they're gone for at least a weekend, because their giant RV is gone. Don't need the internet to stalk someone. Yes, I've read too many books (the kind where the crook is the "good guy") so I say things that make people look at me funny. Like, "Oh, if I wanted to steal your stuff, I'd watch your house for at least a week so I know your schedule. Once I knew you were out of the house, I'd call your house first, to make sure that you're not home. I'd bring a female dog that's in heat to distract that doberman. I'd use the key that you keep under the plant by the porch and just let myself in and leave the door open. I'd take what I wanted then walk back out. I would leave your door unlocked and put the key back under the pot. You can keep the bitch." So it'd really have to be worth my trouble!!
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