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Old 07-07-2012, 02:35 PM
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: North East, UK
Posts: 51
Default Good evening fron the UK....

Hi everyone

I'm a 40 something mum with 2 sons who is finally realising a long held dream of learning to quilt.
I currently working full time in a demanding & full filling career in mental health and I'm raising to wonderful sons with my ever patient husband.

Ever since I was given a cantankerous, vintage Brother machine over 20 yrs ago I have wanted to create beautiful things that make people feel loved and happy. Quilting has fasinated me with its long history and the interpretations people bring to their work.

Up until recently I hadn't found the time or space to get going with grasping my dream and start quilting. As we had a bit of a move round at home and a small room has become free, so quick as a flash I called dibs on it and so begins my quest to quilt and my reason for saying hi from North Yorkshire, UK.

I may ask some obvious and nutty questions but I hope you'll be gentle with my newbie ambitions!
look forward to hearing from you all
much love

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