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Old 07-13-2012, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by KarenSimon View Post
I find it easier to surf the Internet in the middle of the night because the web is usually faster. I got started looking for Adoption Records tonight and need some input of who can request these records.

My husband's oldest sister (now deceased) is/was 20 1/2 years older than he is. He doesn't know much about her younger life. We think she had a baby boy out of wedlock when she was 18 and surrendered him for adoption. We know that he is looking for her. Can DH get these records? Or does it have have to come from her? Can her younger daughter get the records? Wouldn't he be astonished to learn he had 5 half siblings?

If you have ANY names (family), dates, places, etc.. you could start with Start with YOUR family tree, then grow out. Each time you add people you have a chance of finding other people looking into some of your people. I have had to fill in ALL the information for my (NOW), very large family. I was always told I was an ONLY CHILD (I knew I had a half sister from my fathers first wife - no big deal), but about 5 years ago I got a phone call out of the BLUE from a women saying she was a sister from my moms first husband (it turns out my mom had 4 kids, before me & NEVER talked about them). This whole other family has been VERY kind to me, knowing that I have had a hard time with all of this (feeling my whole life was a lie, trying to understand, trying to get to know people who had always been looking for the missing mother, etc...). As it sits I'm the only one who has answers for these other people (my mother is alive, but NOT talking), I'm the only person with medical information about family. But putting it onto Ancestry, I've been able to fill in blanks for everyone (even about these peoples father who I didn't know, but who has passed away. I have found his older brothers kids and they have helped fill in information from that side), I know it takes time but you don't have to do it all in a day. You and your family will need to remember, not every one is ready to jump in with both feet. Your husband has had (little as it is), more information than the boy his sister had. So be ready to take it as slow as the slowest person wants, just so no body feels like they have been HIT BY A BUS!!!! Good luck, you can always PM me & I can give you some other information that might help in your search.
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