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Old 08-09-2012, 05:34 PM
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Originally Posted by mme3924 View Post
Here is the result of the chickens which I recently asked advice about fussy cutting. I decided to put them in an attic window since I'd never done one and love the illusion.

I'm posting this photo mainly because, like all my quilts, it's been a learning experience, and I thought I'd mention my problems. Being a self-taught quiltmaker, I learn some...make that many... things the hard way. All but two of my chickens, for instance, appear to be floating in space! If I'd been paying more attention instead of being so caught up in how to sew that Y seam, I could have made sure I put all their feet on the ground. And I struggled with that narrow sashing (called "ledges"). Without the benefit of setting squares, it was difficult to line up the vertical and horizontal sashing ....until I thought to mark the sashing (and it's still not perfect). Also, I was following instructions for attic windows that I found online which said to join 4 little blocks to make a single block instead of sewing them singly in a long row. Without sashing between, that made sense, but next time, using sashing, I think I'd sew rows with sashing between each single chicken block instead of creating that blasted 4-part block with the intersecting sashing. But that's the fun--if you can call it that--of learning by doing!

Anyway, I'm pleased enough with this, my first attic window. I found some beautiful and amazing attic window quilts online and am eager to try another, maybe with a single large scene behind it.

Thanks for looking and commenting, if you care to.

Great way to show off your hens!
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