Old 08-11-2012, 02:13 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 12

This is what I did back in '70 when there weren't any quilt books in my library and I had to figure it out by myself. I took an old cotton flannel blanket and started in the upper left-hand corner and sewed little pieces of fabric on by hand using the blanket stitch in black sewing thread. My primary sewing activities up to that point had been making clothes for myself because I was so poor. When I finally finished it, I bought some horrible fabric for .50 cents a yard at Sears and a cotton batting that still had bits of seeds in it and had my friends over for a "tying party." I think the guys had more fun than the girls and the big pitcher of Sangria probably did no harm (lol). I still have the quilt, although the first time I washed it the batting wadded up like you wouldn't believe. I removed the ties (just bits of yarn and embroidery floss) and the batting and put a new backing on it and it is still really one of the coolest quilts I own. The scraps were from the 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's and I guess the reason it is still in good shape is because I stopped using it on the beds about twenty years ago. See, this is why I love being an "old lady:" happy memories!
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