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Old 08-18-2012, 06:02 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Posts: 434

Originally Posted by Tippysmom View Post
I am curious about how you all collect and add to your stash.

What does it consist of? Is it leftover fabric from a project, or an impulse buy? Do you see a bolt of fabric and buy X amount of yards with nothing in mind right now?

How do you know how much to buy? I just started quilting and keep reading about everyone's stash, and I want one!
When my business partner started me quilting (15 years ago), she told me to always get an extra 1/4 to 1/2 yard when getting fabric for a quilt. This would help build my stash without it costing a lot. She also said if it was some thing that I LOVED, then get a couple of yards for use at a later date. I don't have as big of a stash as a lot of some of our board members, but I do have a nice stash. Over the last couple of years I have been getting fabric for my stash (my income will be dropping to almost nothing before the end of this year), from fabric re-sales, garage sales, goodwill and lets not forget my closet (shirts, dresses, etc). So you can get a lot of stash fabric for very low or NO cost.
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