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Old 09-20-2012, 03:11 AM
Yarn or Fabric
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I checked out a book at my local library called 1000 Great Quilting Designs. I love this book. It's out of print now but I am keeping an eye on Ebay and Amazon, both seem to have a good supply of the book so I'm hoping that maybe the Christmas tree will have a book under it for me (I have learned to not buy things this time of the year so that family can have some options.. .it's either that or I get a skein of yarn from each of the kids and something I don't want from my husband...)

The book has lots of different designs for different shaped blocks/areas. Even if I don't like the styles given, it helps spark the creativity

There are some other books on the market like that one - there's a 500 quilting designs book that I saw at Joanns the last time I was there but I liked the 1000 better for some reason. The 500 designs book was interesting that it showed a motif and then showed how to adjust it for rows, triangles, corners, etc... that was really cool too
Hmmm... I think I need to add that one to my Amazon wish list as well....

Maybe your local library has one of those books so that you could look through it and see if it works for you.
You can then get a piece of plexiglass (from a Lowes or Home Depot type of store) and using a dry erase marker you can lay the plexiglass on top of the quilt and draw the motif on it to see if you like the way it will look quilted up
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