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Old 10-09-2012, 05:40 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Bosque County, Texas
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I don't know the figures for how many people die in hospitals compared to how many die in other places, and of those dying in hospitals, how many of those hospitals are large. My Father-in-law died in a large hospital. The morgue attendant who came for the body asked me to step out of the room. He drew the curtain around the bed, transferred the body to a gurney and wheeled the gurney out to the hallway. When he came out to the hallway I asked where the body was because the gurney looked as empty as it had when he went into the room. The gurney had a hidden shelf that the body was put on. The sheet hung down to the top of the wheels and covered the shelf. It looked exactly like every other gurney being pushed around the hospital or sitting in a hallway. There was no way you could tell a body was being transported - no one could be upset by a dead body going through the hallways. The funeral home attendants picked up the bodies from the hospital morque, not from the individual rooms. I would imagine that this is the procedure in most large hospitals. If he had had a quilt to cover him in this passage to the morque no one would have known or seen it. They were very careful of visitors and patients feelings when they arranged this transport method.

Last edited by TanyaL; 10-09-2012 at 05:42 PM.
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