Old 10-12-2012, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Kittywolf13
Mine came with a needle and I've heard mixed reviews about the needle it uses. Some swear only by the original W&G needle, which has a groove running through the entire needle. Others have found success with needles by organ. As for sizes I'm not terriably familiar with those yet. I got my W&G needles from Alex Susexx from sewalot. The other needles I got off eBay. I've pretty much been in the mod set that if I find W&G needles I'm going to buy them as I fin their the rarest bit of the machine. If you have difficulty let me know by sending me a pm!
Thanks for that information! I am going to ask the lady we're getting it from if she has a source for needles, and then go from there. In talking with her, she sounds like me, in a few years. She's got shelves and shelves full of machines she's rehabbed, and she's overrun. I'm sure she'll know where to get them. Once I have more info, I'll PM and we can compare notes
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