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Old 10-29-2012, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by miriam
WHere? I should go shoot it.
It would be pics 4 and 5 on this post:

Originally Posted by J Miller
Thanks, I'll make a note of the model #s and if I see a cheap one I'll grab it. I have some of the chain stitch attachments, maybe all of them in the various boxes of feet, and things we've acquired.

I'm sure there are more,.. I couldn't possibly have run into all of them in the last couple of weeks. When I get home, I'll try to post a link to the one kit I know about on the Interwebs, so you can see what pieces they are, and gather them into a group. Surely that will unleash the siren's call to a chain stitch machine.

Originally Posted by miriam
my 411g has the same bobbin holder as the 401 - I wonder if someone replaced it - I do not have a manual that goes with my machine - I've never been able to see why it should chain. I'm betting someone swapped out the piece. There is a part in the accessories I've wondered about though. Now I have to go looking...
The same case? Mine is a completely different number, and has a finger..... again same pics I mentioned above.

I tried to put both plate and bobbin into the 401A last night, to see what would happen. It chained, very loosely, but it chained. I didn't go the other way though.... hm,.. I will have to try that tonight when machine and bobbin cases are in the same place.

The Manual is available through Singer and on Ismacs... the Singer one is better quality.

Originally Posted by miriam
I went looking but couldn't find it. Maybe I should change to - "never let stuff you are looking for know you are looking..."
It is a thing that is a bit taller than the bobbin - I never experimented with that thing - the manual I have does not show a good pic of the BCase. That thing might be not even belong to the machine. I don't see any little arm that would make it chain. I guess that's why I never tried it. I just couldn't see how it would do anything.
Hah! Story of my life!

If you post a pic of it once you stop looking for it and it turns up, I'll see if it jives with anything in my kit....

I'd sure like to know if yours will chain.... I will try with the other BCase when I get home too... I'd love to be able to chain with a regular case, because this one is not easy to find online anywhere!
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