Old 11-02-2012, 07:53 AM
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Default Applique' question, and lessons learned...

Ok, first the question. Doing machine blanket stitch on raw edge... do I get all the different colored threads to match the colors on the applique? Or just use a neutral?

Things I learned for appliqué - hate Misty Mate, much more prefer the stuff already ON the paper! Don't use the iron on fabric with the Misty Mate or it will get on (and RUIN) the iron. Also don't use it on the ironing board or it will get on (and RUIN) the pad! Put the preferred Steam a seam on the WRONG side of the fabric and PRESS the fabric on the other fabric, don't swipe, or it will roll. Use pencil, not ink or the ink will disappear off the parchment paper, and tape doesn't hold the to it either. Next is machine blanket stitch. Pray for me. Lol
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