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Old 11-15-2012, 10:57 AM
Jim's Gem
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Camarillo, California
Posts: 35,242

I am fortunate enough to have both a living room and a family room. Since we do entertain and have a weekly Bible study here, the living room is use for that. My family room has been converted to the Sewing and computer room. It is so nice to not have to clean it up when people come for Bible Study. They all know I make quilts and if they do venture into that part of the house it is to see what I am currently working on.
I say, go for it!! If you never entertain then why not. I always wondered why my parents kept the Living room a spotless room that we kids were never allowed into. As soon as we moved into this house, that's where the TV and stereo system went along with the couches. This family room is in the back of the house and is used for "our" living!!!!

My newest Grandson, Caleb Austin, was born May 29th. I am now Grandma to 4 precious babies. I am so blessed!!!!
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