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Old 11-28-2012, 04:44 PM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 56

Originally Posted by TexasGurl View Post
SonjaG -
You make some good points BUT - I do know that THERE ARE A LOT of 18-30 yr old NEW quilters and crafters out there, who DO have a big interest in quilting and hand crafts !!

Take a look if you haven't, at all the "Modern" quilts, the books, the blogs, blog hops, and pattern marketing ... these "Kids" are USING THE INTERNET and their Hi Tech devices to share and promote their ideas. The founders of the Modern Quilt Guild said the first Guild and all their new chapters wouldn't EXIST - if they didn't have the Internet to meet up and communicate. My daughter and a number of friends are now into quilting, crafts, home decor and knitting. They are in their early to mid 20's, and the modern quilts and fun fabrics brought them to quilting. At the Houston Quilt Festival a few weeks ago, the largest quilt show in the US - there were a LOT of quilters in this age group !

As far as the funding issue ? ... Federal funding of ANY museum doesn't bother me NEARLY SO much as the ongoing, massive waste of our hard-earned money!! What about the Smithsonian ?? Valley Forge ? Gettysburg ? Vicksburg ? Should the government not fund these historical and cultural museums ??
I'll take a museum anyday over corporate bailouts, secret deals, funding inept "Green energy" opportunists and the continuing handouts to all the chronically UNMOTIVATED in our country !!!!
Wow, I stand corrected. Thanks for the interesting info. I wasn't aware of a modern quilt move. But of course, I'm new to quilting. I guess I was speaking based on what I have seen.

I do stand by my feelings about government funding of museums. I live in the DC metro area. Just last weekend my husband and I visited two museums. One was a private museum operated by private funds and the other was the National Archives. The private museum was more efficient in getting visitors through the museum (which included waking through a security area). The employees were friendly, helpful and welcoming...they have to's a business. The federally funded and government operated National Archives had and extremely cumbersome entry process, the federal employees were rude and seemed to care little interest in making my visit enjoyable. I've worked in both the federal government and the private sector...based on my experience, the private sector is more efficient. Like I said, I'm not a fan of big government.
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