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Old 12-12-2012, 09:33 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
Posts: 6,487

I have made many fleece throws. I buy a complimentary solid a little larger than the pretty panel. Trim the selvages, then lay them out back to back with the pretty one on top. bring the back edge over the smaller one - about an inch or 1 1/4. Miter the corner as you fold. Stitch it down and you have a nice frame for your panel. I don't quilt or tie these and they stay together nicely. If I'm purchasing fleece, I buy 1 1/3 yards and 1 1/2 yards. Very warm without a lot of weight and wears like iron. I don't prewash unless it seems wacky. Knits are wound on the bolts while still warm and can be off kilter, but I haven't had that much in nicer ones.
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