Thread: Jack Reacher
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Old 12-25-2012, 04:05 PM
Wanabee Quiltin
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A few months I posted that I had just found out that Tom Cruise was playing Jack Reacher and how appalled I was at this choice by Lee Childs. I was very surprised at the feedback because I didn't know that there were so many of us who loved Jack Reacher. I have made up my mind to not go and see this movie. I have in my mind an image of Jack Reacher that I do not want Tom Cruise to ruin. Years ago I read this fabulous book (no clue now about who wrote it) and they made a movie out of the book. I went to see the movie which was a big mistake, because now I remember the movie more than the book and it wasn't as good. So I, for one, am not going to any of Tom Cruise's movies where he plays Jack Reacher. I have tried to complain to Lee Childs but can't get on his website. Oh well, I doubt he would listen to me !!
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