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Old 12-28-2012, 07:11 AM
Jackie Spencer
Super Member
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Southern Indiana
Posts: 5,052

We had a UFO club one time at our LQS. It worked Great!! Here's how it worked. Make a list of all your UFO's and number them. Let say you have 12. Now take 12 small pieces of paper and write each number on one. Put them in a bag. Every month draw out a number, whatever number you draw, look at your list and thats the one to finish. We had till the next meeting to finish it. If we did not it cost us $5.00. The next meeting we would draw a new number. At the end of the year, everyones money, and there was a lot, would go towards food and goodies for a UFO party. If we finished our UFO for that month the quilt shop gave us a $5.00 rewards card. Lots of UFO's were finished, and lots of fun was had.
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