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Old 01-04-2013, 04:21 PM
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ok first off I only have caffeine first thing in the morning. up to me I would have three cups a day however with only two cups of fluid period allowed a day I only get one cup. Its pure me. I am either awake and zippy or I am out like a light no inbetween. Lucky not so sure but hell I run with it.

I got a marvelous letter back from twinrivers it appears she likes fabric and cats. not in that order and not together combined. so she will not be getting cat fabric in her quilt. (can you hear her sigh with relief?) We are going to do marvelously maybe some of her peacefulness will wear off on me? nahhh. maybe it might work the other way. silent partner? uh not likely. I went through my stash today and came up with an option that might actually work. No batiks however so might need to add one as the splash of color we talked about. hum.. it would work too. that is an easy fix. first to find a pattern that fits in the size requirements. having sewn for several hours today I have time now to play and pick and chose a pattern or at least an idea. I think we are off to a good start!

Nexxus you can always have someone smuggle some salt in.. or salt substitute. our hospital had only ms dash herb I wanted the lemon one so my sis brought it, cayenne pepper and what else.. garlic powder. added it to everything helped immensly. mustard was ok in small quantities too which helped but you would have to see the MENU for rooomservice at Stanford. OMG.. three pages, pick and chose whatever you want between 8 am and 8 pm. delivered to order. yuppers. not like regular hospital food at all. Halibut, salmon, chinese or mexican depending if your diet allowed and again it was a legit menu. make a sandwich of your choice your pickings of what you want on it. I have never been to a hospital like that in my life. I of course spent three months there and well you will eventually get sick of everything including steak with mushrooms. low sodium soup sucked. I did sneak in sodium cant help it. now I keep it in my travel bag in case its not allowed again. bad bad girl. I didnt over do it but something was sure better than nothing. and oodles of pepper .. its not fun there. roomies are not great but girl they come and they go. and you forget about them. They never sleep when you do. If you want to see your doc be up between 6 am and 11 am and do not sleep. they wander in at those hours and again you might get a night shifter to come by too but rarely after 7 pm. so quick eat and pass out why dont you! I have had pneumonia several times in the last ten years, once in ICU it wasnt pleasant. I am so sorry and wish you well immediately. I hope you are able to get the shot next year.
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