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Old 01-06-2013, 08:16 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Indiana
Posts: 450

Hello, all! Spent yesterday in my sewing room CLEANING! I know my grandmothers are spinning in their graves but I threw away all pieces of batting that were less than 6" wide. That was liberating.

I am participating in a BOM at the LQS again this year and I am doing this Row Robin. My goal is to make the rest of my work this year about completing UFOs. I began by doing all my mending yesterday. I repaired four pairs of jeans, three flannel shirts and a quilt I made for my niece years ago.

I am having a migraine today but trying to get back in there to sew this afternoon. I now know where the fabric I want to use for Sherry's blocks is. I was in a real mess because my son actually took a desk and a dresser I used for sewing/storage and I just shoved stuff in places when he did.

Okay, I am rambling. It is the drugs! So, how is everyone else progressing? I am anxious to see.

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