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Old 10-25-2009, 08:50 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: lost in fabric & I'm not coming out until Secret Quilt Angel is over.
Posts: 938

this brings back memories. A few years ago about a week after Christmas i went to joanns. there was a big sign on the door when you walked in ALL CHRISTMAS 75% off. They didn't have much in the way of Christmas fabric but for 75% off I was going to take what they had. One was flannel that had baby foot prints and written on the fabric was BABIES 1st Christmas. Another with decorated Christmas trees and the last with pinecones and holly berries. I went to the cutting table to get the slip you need to buy it. I was taking all they had. I was told it wasn't 75% off. It wasn't Christmas. I said are you kidding it says Babies 1st Christmas. I asked for a manager, she told me the same thing it wasn't Christmas. I asked for the phone # for the excutive office, they didn't have one ( Right) I 411 it but the office was closed. I went back in the store and asked if they could hold the fabric until the next day. They wouldn't so I took it and hid it in the back under pillow forms. I called the exuctive office the next day and they said yes it was Christmas. I went back to the store with the phone # and the persons name at the exuctive office. They said they didn't know who that person was and still wouldn't sell it to me for the 75% off. I am from NY I don't take crap from anyone. Standing right at their cutting table with my cell I called the exuctive office and told the guy what happened. He in turn had to call the store. They finally sold it to me at 75% off. Sales people kill me you would think the money was coming out of their pocket. Needless to say I never shopped there again.
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