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Old 10-26-2009, 02:04 PM
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Just remember, we vote with our dollars. For the last 40 years we've voted for cheap...and that's what we have. If cheap means outsourced, then we voted for that, too. Americans, by how they've spent their dollars for the last several years have voted to have their econonmy outsourced.

Yes, there are pockets of "American made". But, WalMart, Costco, Home Depot, Loews, Sams Club, and all the other malignancies on the economic landscape didn't just "happen". They're here because Americans voted that they wanted cheap and no customer service, as well as designed obsolesence...and American jobs being sent overseas.

We have what we've voted for. I'm speaking generally, not specifically. There are individuals who value what America has brought to the world's economic table, but most are content with mediocrity.

However, there are some businesses that are beginnng to see that the costs of outsourcing are outweighing what they formerly saved in overhead.

And why are Americans looking for bargains because that's all they can afford? Looked at your overall tax bill (federal, state, county, city, assorted fees that you pay)? Add those costs up and then you will get a sense of why you're not keeping much of the change, anymore.

To quote Margaret Thatcher, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

We hear you, Maggie.
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