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Old 01-21-2013, 08:39 AM
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Originally Posted by ube quilting View Post
As in all group settings where you (me) think we are going to be judged we get nervous and feel inferior to what others can do.

NO FEAR HERE! I made a choice to not care about what othesr think about my work. The more mistakes I make in the class the funnier I got and the more fun I have. I do go to classes to learn, not be perfect. If I make a mistake, well, duh! I'm learning.

Many years ago I attended a class by Nancy Halpren. I never finished the project because I couldn't draw a straight line around a template, nor could I keep a sharp point on the pencil I was using. I was told I was unteachable and look at me now. I think I make rather nice quilts, Some are a little wonky, some stranges colors and funky quilting. I love them and have no fear of what any one wants to say.

Go with joy!

Over the years I have learned that quilters are so affriad of their own work and it not being up to 'standards'.

I just love the doing, mistakes and all!
Oh, it really frosts my cookies when a teacher says someone is unteachable. That just means the teacher is a poor teacher! It is my job as a teacher to explain things to the student in a way that they understand. That's what you pay the teacher for! If you aren't understanding then I need to reword my instructions in such a way as to make the lightbulb go off in your head. Different people learn in different ways and at different speeds. That's what you pay the teacher for!

That being said, don't try to compare yourself to anyone and if you start feeling stressed out, just stop sewing for a while and watch! If you enjoy the people you are taking the class with you'll still have a great time. However, if everyone in the room is a total stranger you might want to take a pass until you get your confidence up.

Taking some practice fabric was a very good idea Patrice, I'll remember that one for myself. I usually only get stressed in a class if I've spent a lot of money on the fabric (or it's a favorite I've held onto for a long time) and making a practice quilt is a great idea!
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