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Old 01-25-2013, 04:38 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 357

There is something that each and everyone of us get when we step inside a LQS that we do not get at Joanns or Walmart, or even on the internet, and it is has nothing to do with fabric or notions. It is the way we feel. The level of personal service, help, and encouragement cannot be found anywhere else. The store owners and workers become our friends. Our craft would not be the same if we lost them completely. I too, buy from Joann's and the internet, but I prefer the LQS for the quality of fabric and the reasons I mentioned above. The LQS does provide a service to the communitys, especially the small ones. Many of you will say "I can't afford to shop at the LQS" but can we afford to lose them?
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