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Old 02-21-2013, 09:53 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 183
Default Quilt show, what should I get?

So, I've been saving my pennies and I still have some time. There's a big quilt show that comes here in May every year (HMQS) and last year I was trying out all the machines because I didn't have a LA machine yet. Now that I DO have one I'll be looking at all the other stuff.

So, I'm wondering, what things should I be sure to look at? And are there things you love that you use in quilting that I may be able to get/try at a quilt show that I may not be able to see/use otherwise?

I'm thinking I may want a set of red snappers. I would love to not poke myself with pins every time I put a quilt on! And I'll certainly look at thread and get some of that (can't quilt w/o thread!).

So, what else should I be sure to check out?
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