Old 03-10-2013, 07:26 PM
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Default Can you confirm the order of "events" for me, please??

I've been around here for a while, so I'm ashamed to admit that I've only made two tops and have yet to actually complete a quilt! I'm afraid to! I really want to get this one finished though. It's a version of a 1600 quilt, so nothing too complicated. Would you mind just making sure I have all the steps down? I'd sure appreciate it!

Ok, I have the top sewn but not the border, so -

1 - square it up, measure and cut border, sew on

2 - do I now lay down the backing, batting and top? Pin together? Then do I trim the batting and backing just a bit larger than the top?

3 - now I quilt it? I'm open for suggestions here... Should I stitch-in-the-ditch? I think I have a walking foot - an attachment with a big white plastic box on it... Never tried using it yet... I'm not even sure how it works (do you understand now why I'm afraid?! Lol!)

4 - after quilting, prepare and attach the binding?

Am I close? I have read tons here, I have MANY books, but I think I'm a visual learner - not much has stuck. Anyway, any reassurance, tips, suggestions you have will be gratefully welcomed!
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