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Old 03-16-2013, 05:22 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Central Wisconsin
Posts: 718

When my oldest son was 3, we were moving from one house to another, and he was watching us packing items into a trailer... as he was outside playing. All of a sudden he comes running into the house, stops by his auntie and asks... did they move the toilet yet? I hope not, cuz I sure have to go bad!! We all laughed at this this day.. when we help his family move...we ask if he is ready for the toilet!!!!

Someone else mentioned how kids say certain words and to this day they still call such items like that also...
We do also. I always make BBQ ribs with homemade sauce, and one time when my middle son was about 3, he always called them this day we call them dribs. So his son one day... found out we were having dribs and he was just not excited at all. When it was time to eat, he sat down at the table and looks at his plate and says... these are bones not dribs!!!! He was all excited again. lol
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