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Old 03-19-2013, 01:29 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 453

I pieced the back of a quilt with the scraps from the front. The front was done the "regular"way, and the back on the serger. I couldn't tell the difference!!! I thought it went well, I have been serging along time, and didn't have an issue with seam allowances, it was scrappy, so if I made a mistake (did make 2 or 3) I just sliced off the seam allowance and went at it again. Now, granted, you can't do that when you are following an exact pattern!

My long-arm quilter did say it was noticeably thicker at the seam crossings, but she didn't have an issue with it. I made it in Oregon and shipped it to her in Alabama and she shipped it back...sort of a cross country journey!

If you are comfortable with the serger and you are ok if it eats a few pieces that you can discard, I say go for it...lots faster, neater, cleaner on the backside and no raveling.
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